Make your allegiance to the young children of our community a part of your legacy by including Safe Haven Kid’s League of
California City in your last will and testament. Of course, always consult a Will and Estate Planning attorney in preparing your will.
See language example below commonly used and may be helpful:
“ I give and bequeath to Safe Haven Kid’s League of California, a Cheyenne, WY, non-profit corporation operating in California City, CA, whose federal tax identification number is 86-1853584 and whose address is 8924 Oleander Ave, California City, California City, CA 93505, the sum of $____________
(or ________% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) to be used for the general operations of Safe Haven Kid’s League of California City.
There are also other avenues for giving called “planned gifts,” that provide certain tax benefits. For example, you can set up a charitable gift annuity or irrevocable trust to pay you income for life; then, the principal becomes a gift to Safe Haven Kid’s League of California City. You get a current charitable gift deduction based on the value of your future gift.
For more information, please contact Anthony Meyers at [email protected] or by phone at 760-338-3488661-606-9015 661-606-901561-606-9015